McWhirter elopements

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Why I decided to elope.

It was a normal Saturday like any else when it hit me like lightning:

I wanted to elope.

There were so many people getting married around me and having these big weddings and stressing out and just waiting for the wedding day to be over. That’s right: they were getting married and they just wanted for the day to be over!

This all reflected me and made me realize that having a big wedding wasn’t going to be my choice. I want to have a wedding day that I can have just with my fiancee and explore the world together. I don’t want to spend my day worrying about what might go wrong and what to do if something dramatic happens. For me eloping would be something I wouldn’t regret. Especially since I started out as an elopement photographer and being able to help my couples to elope, I know that is for me the right way to get married. Also, my fiancee has said it would be his way also and he really didn’t want to spend years planning for one day!

What wedding suits you best?

For starters, I would say that there can be three or four different personality types when it comes to weddings.

  1. The ones who want to have a big and traditional wedding: a church ceremony, a beautiful venue, and over a hundred quests.

  2. The ones who truly elope: they elope since it’s for them the right decision and will do it without telling anyone and because some of the family members might not support their marriage.

  3. The ones who want to elope abroad and have an adventure and a different way to get married.

  4. The ones who won’t ever get married.

I think it’s super important to have your wedding be just the way you want it, no matter what anyone else says. Eloping these days is so much more than it used to be. You get to experience a new world, and landscapes that you won’t ever forget. To have a stress-free wedding day, have the time of your life.

Why elope instead of having a wedding?

Eloping is the right choice for you if:

  • Getting married to just the two of you feels like the right option.

  • Being the center of attention freaks you out and to have a feeling that you have to entertain the guests all day.

  • You rather have an adventurous wedding than just hang in a venue.

  • Planning a big wedding gives you stress and you might even not be into too much planning.

  • Having relatives you haven’t kept in touch with for years isn’t your ideal wedding and there is also a risk of having family drama

  • The two of you value experiences over the material. You rather spend your wedding day exploring a new country and saying vows in front of a waterfall than trying to figure out the perfect table decoration.

  • You want to have amazing photos of your day: since you care about experiences and value moments, you really care about having your day photographed. Memories are vital.

  • Life is meant to be an adventure ;)